Tuesday, January 12, 2010

From Susan Hong-Sammons, Chicago...

"Living with Chicago weather greatly effects my subject matter. I paint mostly from life, from direct observation so anything I see is a potential subject matter. I prefer not to paint in my studio and venture out of doors but during the winter this time can become greatly reduced because of the cold. This past fall I had two experiences that curbed my plein air (painting outdoors) appetite, one was a bunch of yahoos shooting a gun near me. But the snow is falling in thick flakes and I've new arctic boots so I'm ready to hit the streets of Chicago and cafes once again."


  1. You're a brave one! The cold and the gun shots. The show is awesome. I believe my favorite is "Suspended Animation". It is quite marvelous. cheers! peg

  2. Thanks so much.
    And I don't know if I'm brave or just insane. But when the temperature drops the cold air takes on a crystally silvery look. You can't get it in any other weather. So fun to paint it.
